Phoenix-FabelwesenRise From the Ashes

This site has been in bad shape for the last few months. I have completely restructured the front and back end. Many new features will speed things up, and hopefully, we will be better than ever. Our page rank is seriously suffering from a few mistakes I made when I let the site break and stay down for an extended period of time. I did try to retain the original header. You will find that the site is now phone/mobile friendly. We are also utilizing lazy loading so if I happen to make a post with too many pictures it will load as you need them which saves me bandwidth and saves you time if the content isn’t to your liking.

Most of our new content has been focused on “how to” articles simply because they get hits and people really do not care what a blogger has to say about energy. (That said I will probably have a few energy posts in the future)

I have a lot of other projects going on so I do not expect I will be updating the main page very often. This site is automatically tied in with a feed to most of my other projects so the top right corner will show my latest activity. I expect most of the activity will be related to other sites. I plan to get ThebakkenFormation and BakkenThreeForks back off the ground a separate projects in the future. I also plan to get a blog going for one of my car sites.  I will also be working on client sites as needed.

My Updates in short:

  • Got Engaged
  • I’m now a webmaster and co-owner of Dirt River Design LLC
  • I have been working a new job for about a year as a well site geologist in Western North Dakota
  • Recent oil price changes will likely provide additional time to work on side projects and our business.
  • We have another significant plan in the works, but it will probably be July or later before you see anything about that here

I expect all of my old followers are all gone, but if any of you are still around people feel free to drop me a message.